
Showing posts from June, 2019

What is Pancreas? | How Pancreas help in digesting of food -

Pancreatic helps in digesting food 1 The source of the gastric cavity, the digestive gland that produces the food, is called pancreatiasia 'pancreatic'. It is surrounded by the small intestine. 2 pancreats secrete two types of juice- digestive juice and pancreatic juice. The digestive juice (pancreatic juice) is secreted in the pancreatic duct and the feces are directly in the blood. The digestive juices are made of glands, whose mouth opens in the duct, whereas the fever (insulin) is absorbed directly into the blood directly from the small ilelets of specific cells. 3 The secreted tripsin, chemotripsin, lipase and amylase, secreted in digestive juices, work in digestion of proteins, fats and sugars in the food, which is why it is also called 'gastargani'. 4 Immediate energy is found in the body by burning the glucose. Cells require insulin to achieve glucose achievement and use, which is secreted by the pancreatic juice of the pancreas and reaches the body ...

What is the affect of diet on Pancreatitis? -

Diet is not right, it affects the pancreas, the risk of kidney disease Birth and kidney disease takes birth Each part of its body plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Pancreatia is also an important part of our digestive system, which cures certain enzymes and keeps it fixed. Apart from this, it creates an essential hormone called insulin, which protects our body from serious illness like diabetes. If this treatment is not done at the right time, then this disease gives birth to heart problems and kidney related problems in the future. It is important for us to know how this vital part of the body works and how we should take care of it. How does work Pancreas (pancreatic) is a small but very important organ of our digestive system. It is located between the intestine, the liver and the stomach (the stomach). Its length is 6 to 10 inches. The pancreas consists mainly of two glands, which are interconnected. Mostly part of it is made of exocrine cells, whi...

What is pancreatitis treatment in ayurveda? | Pancreatitis treatment in ayurveda-

Ayurveda is the best treatment for pancreatitis! What is pancreatitis treatment in ayurveda? | Pancreatitis treatment in ayurveda Famous Ayurvedic Vaidya Padmashri Balendu Prakash talked about creating awareness about serious pancreatitis among people today. The number of people suffering from this disease, which is often life-threatening, is constantly increasing, he warned and said that the combined efforts of mainstream medicines and traditional knowledge of Ayurveda combined with the combined efforts of people facing this disease New treatment can be done. Vaidya Balendu Prakash was addressing the members of the Delhi Assembly in the old Secretariat. This lecture was organized by the Bureau of Legislative Studies under the series of celebrities of celebrities. A few days ago, famous activist P. Sainath had addressed the legislators on the issue of water scarcity in the country. What is pancreatitis treatment in ayurveda? | Pancreatitis treatment in ayurveda Describing ...

What are pancreatitis causes - Pancreatitis causes -

What are pancreatitis causes - Pancreatitis causes  The cause of pancreatitis - Pancreatitis occurs when digestive enzymes are activated in pancreas, which in turn cause harm to pancreatic cells and cause inflammation. Also read- Deep details about pancreatitis. There are a number of different conditions which can cause pancreatitis, including: What are pancreatitis causes - Pancreatitis causes - Also read- Types of Pancreatitis? High intake of alcohol Some medicines Contact of some chemicals Gallstones Due to abdominal surgery and some medical procedures Pancreatic cancer By smoking Infection Cystic fibrosis Family history of pancreatitis High levels of triglyceride in the blood (hypertriglyceridemia) High calcium levels in the blood (hypercalcemia), which can be caused by hyperparathyroidism, a highly active parathyroid gland.

What is pancreatitis diagnosis - Pancreatitis diagnosis -

What is pancreatitis diagnosis - Pancreatitis diagnosis  How is pancreatitis diagnosed? The doctor will ask about a person's medical history to diagnose pancreatitis and will conduct a complete physical examination to help with diagnosis. During acute pancreatitis, the digestive enzymes formed in the pancreas in the blood are at least three times more than usual. There may be changes in other body chemicals such as glucose, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and bicarbonate. Also read- Deep details about pancreatitis. The following tests can be done for its diagnosis - What is pancreatitis diagnosis - Pancreatitis diagnosis  Also read- Types of Pancreatitis? Blood tests for infection, increase in blood cells and levels of pancreatic enzymes A fecal fat test can determine whether the fat content in your stool is above normal or not. Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is often difficult due to the location of the pancreas. Doctors can assist with the followi...

What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment -

What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment  'Chronic pancreatitis' disease, which is considered to be incurable in allopathy, is being treated with Ayurveda in Doun. Padmashri Vaidya Balendu claims that he has so far made health of patients of 160 chronic pancreatitis patients in the world. His medical formula for this disease has been accepted for patent. At the same time, CM Harish Rawat has given Rs five crore to Vaidya Balendu under Mission Nobel Prize to promote research in this direction. Read more - Types of Pancreatitis? Chronic pancreatitis is a very serious disease. In the world of science, alcohol is considered to be the main cause of this disease, but Vaidya Balendu says that if a small child is suffering from this disease then this is not the reason behind it. This disease is spreading due to the lack of protein, mineral elements. What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment - 27 people per one lakh have this disease Acco...

What is pancreatitis diet | Pancreatitis diet -

What is pancreatitis diet | Pancreatitis diet  Pancreatitis: Home Remedies, Treatment and Prevention - Diet and diet Eatable food Grain Fruits and vegetables Lean meats and legumes that are rich in protein. Low fat dairy products Also read- Deep details about pancreatitis. Avoid these - High fat diet (fried diet, mostly desserts, and dairy products made of pure milk, meat fatty pieces, nuts / dried figs, and avocado, butter, salad decoration, sour cream, and extra sugars, such as dessert and sweet made Gone beverages). Also read- Types of Pancreatitis? alcohol Yoga and Exercise Walking and dancing What is pancreatitis diet | Pancreatitis diet  Choose activities that do not have the risk of trauma on the stomach, because they can cause more damage to the pancreatias. Yoga Gomukhasana West Latitude Halasan Semi-mindedness Mayurasson Padma bakasan Home remedy (treatment) Stop drinking. stop smoking. Take fluid in excess quantity....

What is Acute pancreatitis | What is Chronic pancreatitis -

Pancreatitis Pancreatitis is a type of gland that is found in the stomach, it releases hormones which is very important to digest food. Pancreatia is the main organ of the digestive system of our body. It releases hormones which digest food. Due to diabetes, cancer is the cause of it. Keep it from being consumed by smoking and alcohol. Also read- Types of Pancreatitis? Pancreas is also called fire, it is a major organ of our digestive system and it helps to digest food. It secretes the responsible hormones and enzymes to digest food easily. Pancreatic is a 6-10 inch long gland that is found in the abdomen behind the stomach. Food is one of the basic requirements of every human being. The main components of our food are carbohydrate, proteins and fats, besides the addition of vitamins and minerals. Our body can not use bio-chemicals available in the food in their original form. Therefore, the digestive system divides it into small molecules into ordinary matter, which ...

What are symptoms of Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis symptoms -

What are symptoms of Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis symptoms  1. Lower back and abdominal pain: It is one of the earliest symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Normally you will feel the pain in the upper part of the stomach and slowly this pain reaches the bench. Also read- Deep details about pancreatitis. 2. Jaundice: It is normal to have jaundice in people with pancreatic cancer. Due to jaundice, the person has itching in the legs and hands, mainly the soles and palms. The entire body becomes light yellow in color. 3. Lack of weight suddenly: This is one of the main symptoms of pancreatic cancer. The weight of the person only decreases when the tumor starts spreading in other parts of the body and begins to create disturbances in their work. It does not allow the nutrients to digest properly in the body, due to which it does not feel properly hungry. What are symptoms of Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis symptoms  4. Breathing and vomiting: Nausea and vomiti...

Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis | Chronic pancreatitis -

Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis | Chronic pancreatitis  Pancreatitis is known as swelling in pancreatitis. That is, pancreatitis is such a disease in which pancreatitis is swollen, which causes its damage. The pancreatic is a long, flat, and large gland behind the abdomen and found next to the small intestine. Pancreas works to produce enzyme, which help in digestive juices and hormones production. These hormones play an important role in food production and control. Enzymes help in controlling glucose in the body. Also read- Deep details about pancreatitis . There may be several reasons for swelling in pancreatitis. Once the swelling occurs in the gland, this condition causes bleeding, infection and gland damage in the gland and nearby blood vessels. In this situation the digestive juices are stuck in the gland and begin digesting the pancreas. This causes uncommon damage to the gland. Pancreatitis Types - Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis ...

What is pancreatic cancer | Pancreatic cancer -

What is pancreatic cancer | Pancreatic cancer  Identifying Pancreatic Cancer is Difficult, Learn Symptoms, Causes and How to Protect It is very difficult to know the initial symptoms of cancer in pancreatia i.e. pancreatitis. Its symptoms are so simple that we do not care about it. Know about its symptoms, causes and defenses Also read- Deep details of Pancreatitis. Health Desk: It is very difficult to know the early symptoms of cancer in pancreatiasia. Its symptoms are so simple that we do not care about it. Sometimes it happens that due to lack of information in it, it becomes proven fatal. Pancreatic cancer progresses very rapidly. Its main reason is irregular catering and lifestyle. Know about everything in it. Also read- Types of Pancreatitis? This is more to men than women. The reason for this can be smoking. Smoking causes this cancer risk to increase 2-3 times. What is pancreatic cancer | Pancreatic cancer  What is pancreatic cancer? Pa...

All Information about pancreatitis | Pancreatitis Information -

All Information about pancreatitis | Pancreatitis Information  Identifying Pancreatic Cancer is Difficult, Learn Symptoms, Causes and How to Protect - It is very difficult to know the initial symptoms of cancer in pancreatia i.e. pancreatitis. Its symptoms are so simple that we do not care about it. Know about its symptoms, causes and defenses Also read- Deep details of Pancreatitis . Health Desk: It is very difficult to know the early symptoms of cancer in pancreatiasia. Its symptoms are so simple that we do not care about it. Sometimes it happens that due to lack of information in it, it becomes proven fatal. Pancreatic cancer progresses very rapidly. Its main reason is irregular catering and lifestyle. Know about everything in it. This is more to men than women. The reason for this can be smoking. Smoking causes this cancer risk to increase 2-3 times. All Information about pancreatitis | Pancreatitis Information  What is pancreatic cancer? Pan...

What is pancreatitis, causes, symptoms and defenses - What is Pancreatitis?

What is pancreatitis? pancreatitis is a serious problem, which causes inflammation of pancreatitis. Abdominal pain in the upper left is a major symptom of this problem. Pancreatitis causes many serious problems, including: diabetes, liver problems, anemia, pancreatic cancer etc. Normal pancreatitis can be overcome by adopting a normal treatment process and a healthy lifestyle, but serious cases can cause serious complications for life. Therefore, timely treatment of this problem should be treated and treated. In today's article, you will know what is pancreatitis, the type, causes, symptoms and what procedures can be adopted for its diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Also read- Types of Pancreatitis? What is pancreatitis? Pancreatitis is known as swelling in pancreatitis. That is, pancreatitis is such a disease in which pancreatitis is swollen, which causes its damage. The pancreatic is a long, flat, and large gland behind the abdomen and found next to the s...