What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment -

What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment -
What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment 

'Chronic pancreatitis' disease, which is considered to be incurable in allopathy, is being treated with Ayurveda in Doun. Padmashri Vaidya Balendu claims that he has so far made health of patients of 160 chronic pancreatitis patients in the world.

His medical formula for this disease has been accepted for patent. At the same time, CM Harish Rawat has given Rs five crore to Vaidya Balendu under Mission Nobel Prize to promote research in this direction.

Read more- Types of Pancreatitis?

Chronic pancreatitis is a very serious disease. In the world of science, alcohol is considered to be the main cause of this disease, but Vaidya Balendu says that if a small child is suffering from this disease then this is not the reason behind it. This disease is spreading due to the lack of protein, mineral elements.
What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment -
What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment -

27 people per one lakh have this disease

According to Vaidya Balendu, this disease is spreading rapidly in the southern part of the country. About 27 people out of every one lakh in the world are suffering from this disease, in India, this number has been counted as 114 in every one lakh. He told that the patients of Chronic Pancreatitis are reaching them from 22 states of the country.

Also read-Deep details about pancreatitis.

Government steps up research, provide 50 million
Chief Minister Harish Rawat has alloted a budget of Rs 5.079 crores to Vaidya Balendu for the development and treatment of Vaidya Balu for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Within seven years it is to be researched. Also, it is being researched at the Indian Council of Medical Research, Jodhpur. This research will be done in collaboration with the Indian School of Sciences, Bangalore.

Hyderabad family happy with treatment
What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment -
What is Pancreatitis treatment | Pancreatitis treatment -

IT professor Abdul Gaffar has two sons in Hyderabad and both of them suffer from chronic pancreatitis disease. Eight-year old son Ryan Ali is suffering from this disease for two years. They have chronic pancreatitis attacks every seven months. Imran Ali, a five-year-old son, suffered an episode of chronic pancreatitis in November 2012.

He has treated children of all the places along with Hyderabad's famous Asian Institute of Gastroology, but there is no benefit. They came to know about treatment in Doon through the Internet, then they came here. For 12 days, both of their children are healthy. They say that if their son is recovering, then it will be the biggest gift for them.

What is chronic pancreatitis
Chronic pancreatitis is linked to pancreatitis. There has been little research on this now. At present, its main factor is not known. In this disease, the patient gets a stroke and there is severe pain in his stomach. Fast weight decreases rapidly The vomiting comes and the dizziness starts coming. 98 of 100 patients received this complaint. After the attack, the patient is admitted in the hospital. His food is kept closed for three days.


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