What is Acute pancreatitis | What is Chronic pancreatitis -


Pancreatitis is a type of gland that is found in the stomach, it releases hormones which is very important to digest food.

Pancreatia is the main organ of the digestive system of our body. It releases hormones which digest food. Due to diabetes, cancer is the cause of it. Keep it from being consumed by smoking and alcohol.

Also read- Types of Pancreatitis?

Pancreas is also called fire, it is a major organ of our digestive system and it helps to digest food. It secretes the responsible hormones and enzymes to digest food easily. Pancreatic is a 6-10 inch long gland that is found in the abdomen behind the stomach.

Food is one of the basic requirements of every human being. The main components of our food are carbohydrate, proteins and fats, besides the addition of vitamins and minerals. Our body can not use bio-chemicals available in the food in their original form. Therefore, the digestive system divides it into small molecules into ordinary matter, which is used according to our body. Find out more about this, Pancreas, a major part of the same digestive system.

Pancreas position -

Pancreas is a major gland of digestive tract found in the stomach, its shape is like a fish. The part of its end is bigger and the lower part is smaller. This helps to divide the diet into small pieces. The head of the pancreas stays in the curve of the small intestine (duodenum). It releases glucagon and insulin inside the blood.

Functions of Pancreas -

The pancreas leak out the endocrine hormones internally and exocrine hormones externally. Its enzymes leak the digestive juices which are essential for digestion of food easily. Pancreatic hormones are leakage by islet cells which are present in the form of clusters. It has three main cells.

Alfa cells that leak Glucagon and Glucagon helps in increasing blood glucose levels. Beta cells leak insulin, which is the responsible hormone responsible for reducing the level of insulin blood glucose and increasing protein production. Delta cells leak somatostatinin which maintains a balance between insulin and glucagon leaks.

In its external leak (Exocrine) action, the leakage of an extension of the enzymes contained in the digestion of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins is also included.

Pancreatitis related problems -

If pancreatic does not work properly then there may be several types of problems. Problems of digestion, diabetes, pancreatic cancer etc. are related to pancreas. The most dangerous condition for pancreatiasis is cancer.

How to keep pancreas fit -

It is important for your pancreatic to work smoothly. Smoking and alcohol consumption have an effect on this, so avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, exercise regularly.

Pancreatitis is one of the major glands responsible for your digestive system, so it is important to keep this in mind. If there is any problem with pancreatic disease, please contact the doctor.


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