What is pancreatitis, causes, symptoms and defenses - What is Pancreatitis?

What is pancreatitis?
What is pancreatitis?

pancreatitis is a serious problem, which causes inflammation of pancreatitis. Abdominal pain in the upper left is a major symptom of this problem. Pancreatitis causes many serious problems, including: diabetes, liver problems, anemia, pancreatic cancer etc. Normal pancreatitis can be overcome by adopting a normal treatment process and a healthy lifestyle, but serious cases can cause serious complications for life. Therefore, timely treatment of this problem should be treated and treated.

In today's article, you will know what is pancreatitis, the type, causes, symptoms and what procedures can be adopted for its diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

Also read- Types of Pancreatitis?

What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is known as swelling in pancreatitis. That is, pancreatitis is such a disease in which pancreatitis is swollen, which causes its damage.

The pancreatic is a long, flat, and large gland behind the abdomen and found next to the small intestine. Pancreas works to produce enzyme, which help in digestive juices and hormones production. These hormones play an important role in food production and control. Enzymes help in controlling glucose in the body.

There may be several reasons for swelling in pancreatitis. Once the swelling occurs in the gland, this condition causes bleeding, infection and gland damage in the gland and nearby blood vessels. In this situation the digestive juices are stuck in the gland and begin digesting the pancreas. This causes uncommon damage to the gland.

Pancreatitis Types -

Acute Pancreatitis -

Acute pancreatitis means that it is sudden and runs for several days. After starting the treatment process at the right time, it takes several days to correct it.

Galston is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis. Galstones contain small, solid mass, which are made of peptars. These galestones cause inhibition of enzymes in the pancreatic tract. Due to the backup of substances in the pancreatic, it can cause swelling in both the bile duct and pancreatic.

Chronic Pancreatitis -

Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term permanent inflammation of the pancreas. This often happens after acute pancreatitis. It is the main reason for consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Persons suffering from chronic pancreatitis can get permanent damage to the pancreas.

What is pancreatitis?
What is pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis Causes -

Pancreatitis occurs when digestive enzymes are activated in pancreatitis, which in turn cause damage to the pancreatic cells and cause inflammation.

There are many such situations which can cause pancreatitis, including:

High intake of some drugs; Some drugs; Some of the chemicals are known to cause cancer of the stomach, stomach surgery, and some medical procedures due to cancer of the pancreatic, smokin infection, cystic fibrosis, family history of pancreatitis, high triglyceride levels hypertriglyceridemia high calcium levels in blood hypercalcemia, which A hyperparathyroidism can be caused by a highly active parathyroid gland.

Pancreatitis Symptoms -

Most individuals, who have acute pancreatitis or chronic pancreatitis, have pain in the upper left side of the upper abdomen as a starting symptom.

Other symptoms of acute pancreatitis or pancreatitis can include the following symptoms, such as:

Due to sudden pain in the stomach after dysentery, the pain of persistent pain, increase in the pain of lying on the floor, the increase in the pain in the abdomen, or swelling in the G. Mitchalapet, and the painful heartbeat of touching on the touch becomes sudden, sudden reduction in uncertainty, seating or normal work Painful during pain, irritability, difficulty in confusion or concentration.

In addition to this, chronic pancreatitis has mainly the following symptoms, such as:

There is less or normal pain than acute pancreatitis. Increase in pain with time. Inability to produce insulin (diabetes) inability to digestion (weight loss and nutritional deficiency) Hemorrhoids (Anemia) Liver Problems (jaundice)

Pancreatitis Diagnosis -

Doctors adopt diagnostic procedures based on the symptoms of the sufferer. Blood test and imaging test can be used to diagnose pancreatitis. If a person has acute pancreatitis, then symptoms of severe stomach ache and blood test can be seen in the level of pancreatic enzymes.

In order to diagnose intense acute pancreatitis under the blood test, doctors mainly measure the level of two digestive enzymes, amylase and lipazas in the victim's blood. High levels of these two enzymes give information about pancreatitis.

In addition, the doctor may include other tests in the diagnostic process based on the physical condition and symptoms of the victim, such as:

Glucose tolerance test - To measure the damage to insulin-producing pancreatic cells.

Pancreatic Function Test - To detect production in the correct amount of digestive enzymes by pancreatias.

Ultrasound, CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging test biopsy tests

Endoscopic Retrograde Colangiopancreatography (ERCP) - This is an imaging test that uses an endoscope to see pancreatic and its organs.

Pancreatitis Treatment -

Patients are often required to be hospitalized for the treatment of pancreatitis. Pancreatic plays an important role in digestive processes. Therefore, treatment of pancreatitis requires extreme rest.

During the treatment of severe pancreatitis, a special type of fluid and nutrition diet is given to the patient through a tube. This tube travels directly from the patient's nose to the stomach. This is called a nasogological feeding tube.

In case of pancreatitis, if any infection develops then surgery may be necessary to remove dead or damaged tissues. Some people feel better in this treatment process only in a few days. And others require one or two weeks to be adequately cured.

In the case of general pancreatitis, treatment can be done through some medicines and by changing lifestyle and adopting appropriate diet plan. An enzyme supplement may also be required under the treatment process. Enzyme supplements help in getting nutrients from food.

Treatment of Pancreas by Surgery -

Surgery can be included in the treatment process of pancreatitis. If galvanization or other obstructions in the bile ducts are detected by the diagnostic process, then the doctor can adopt the procedure of surgery to cure these problems. Gallbladder surgery and Pancreas surgery can be adopted mainly.

Pancreatitis Complications -

Pancreatitis can cause many serious complications, including the following complications:

Infection - acute pancreatitis weakens to fight pancreatic bacteria and infection. Pancreatic infection is a serious problem, in its treatment requires intensive treatment such as surgery.

Diabetes - Acute pancreatitis can cause diabetes problems.

Trouble in breathing - Pancreatitis can bring chemical changes inside the body, causing obstruction of the function of the lungs, and the level of oxygen in the blood falls to low levels.

Malnutrition - Pancreatitis causes the production of very little enzymes by the pancreas (pancreatic), so that the enzymes required to obtain nutrients from the food eaten by the person can not be found, resulting in malnutrition, diarrhea and weight loss problems. Can arise.

Pancreatic cancer - Prolonged inflammation in the pancreatic part of the person suffering from pancreatitis can increase the risk of cancer.

Kidney failure - Acute pancreatitis can cause kidney failure. In case of renal failure, treatment with dialysis is required.

pancreatitis prevention -

Since serious illnesses like pancreatitis are due to excessive consumption of alcohol, alcohol should be abandoned for the first time in order to prevent pancreatitis. A healthy lifestyle should be adopted to prevent pancreatitis. There are some such remedies that can help in dealing with pain, including:

Take care to get better comfort Maintaining a healthy weight. Exercise regularly

What is pancreatitis?
What is pancreatitis?

Lifestyle and home remedies for the treatment of pancreatitis

The patient needs to adopt a healthy lifestyle immediately after the treatment process. For this, the patient should take care of the following:

Do not consume alcohol - Alcohol causes major pancreatitis, so alcohol consumption should be stopped. Those who are unable to drop alcohol, they should seek the help of a doctor.

Do not smoke - smoking is quite harmful for health. It can cause the enzyme imbalance in the body and can increase the condition of pancreatitis to a great extent. Therefore, in order to assist in the treatment process of pancreatitis, and to avoid this disease, it should be left entirely.

Select low-fat diet - high-carbohydrate-balanced food and low fat diet should be adopted. For this, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins can be adopted.

Consume nutritious fluid - Pancreatitis can be the cause of dehydration, so more and more proper fluid should be consumed throughout the day. Doctor should be consulted while selecting the liquid. For this pure water is a proper liquid.

pancreatitis diet -

Low fat, healthy diets play a major role in the treatment of pancreatitis. Individuals with chronic pancreatitis need special attention on intake of low fat content.

In the case of pancreatitis, there is a need to consume less food throughout the day to put less stress on the digestive tract. High consumption of low-fat dairy products and other food items should be paid heavily and too much liquids should be consumed to stay hydrated. The doctor should get advice to ensure which nutrients the body needs.

It is advisable to consume the following substances in pancreatitis:

Vegetable meat, legumes and lentils, soups, fruits and vegetables under cereal food, dairy options (such as flex milk and almond milk)

If you have pancreatitis -

In the case of pancreatitis, avoiding low food intake should be avoided, such as:

Also read- Types of Pancreatitis?

Red meat potatoes and potato chipsMayonese fried foods Highly sugary foods (pastries and sweets) Margarine and butter Fatty-rich Dairy Productmans containing sugary drinks.

Thank you


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