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What are symptoms of Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis symptoms -

What are symptoms of Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis symptoms  1. Lower back and abdominal pain: It is one of the earliest symptoms of pancreatic cancer. Normally you will feel the pain in the upper part of the stomach and slowly this pain reaches the bench. Also read- Deep details about pancreatitis. 2. Jaundice: It is normal to have jaundice in people with pancreatic cancer. Due to jaundice, the person has itching in the legs and hands, mainly the soles and palms. The entire body becomes light yellow in color. 3. Lack of weight suddenly: This is one of the main symptoms of pancreatic cancer. The weight of the person only decreases when the tumor starts spreading in other parts of the body and begins to create disturbances in their work. It does not allow the nutrients to digest properly in the body, due to which it does not feel properly hungry. What are symptoms of Pancreatitis | Pancreatitis symptoms  4. Breathing and vomiting: Nausea and vomiti...