Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis | Chronic pancreatitis -

Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis | Chronic pancreatitis -
Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis | Chronic pancreatitis 

Pancreatitis is known as swelling in pancreatitis. That is, pancreatitis is such a disease in which pancreatitis is swollen, which causes its damage.

The pancreatic is a long, flat, and large gland behind the abdomen and found next to the small intestine. Pancreas works to produce enzyme, which help in digestive juices and hormones production. These hormones play an important role in food production and control. Enzymes help in controlling glucose in the body.

Also read-Deep details about pancreatitis.

There may be several reasons for swelling in pancreatitis. Once the swelling occurs in the gland, this condition causes bleeding, infection and gland damage in the gland and nearby blood vessels. In this situation the digestive juices are stuck in the gland and begin digesting the pancreas. This causes uncommon damage to the gland.

Pancreatitis Types -
Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis | Chronic pancreatitis -
Types of Pancreatitis | Acute pancreatitis | Chronic pancreatitis 

Acute Pancreatitis -

Acute pancreatitis means that it is sudden and runs for several days. After starting the treatment process at the right time, it takes several days to correct it.

Galston is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis. Galstones contain small, solid mass, which are made of peptars. These galestones cause inhibition of enzymes in the pancreatic tract. Due to the backup of substances in the pancreatic, it can cause swelling in both the bile duct and pancreatic.

Chronic Pancreatitis -

Chronic pancreatitis is a long-term permanent inflammation of the pancreas. This often happens after acute pancreatitis. It is the main reason for consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. Persons suffering from chronic pancreatitis can get permanent damage to the pancreas.


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